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7-11 Model of Universal Consciousness

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7-11 Model of Universal Consciousness

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Take a journey inside your higher self

Universal Consciousness is experience; consciousness itself. We present this model of how consciousness exists in all things in our Universe, how it all works in harmony. Having a model helps us to let down our defenses and naturally operate with higher consciousnesses, as we can accept a greater range of possibilities as valid in our experience.

In this course we will define each layer of Consciousness. We will examine the experience of each of these layers so we can understand and connect with every level of consciousness in the universe. We’ll break everything down in a logical and geometric way, no unexplained “God” or building on assumptions. I do my best to stir up all the juicy bits, so you will learn a bit about every component of this universe, and the nature of reality itself.

Best of all, this course leaves you to interpret everything. You will decide how and what to integrate into your current knowledge of the universal workings into this model. We cover advanced concepts fairly quickly, but you won’t need to be a scientist, nor a yogi to fully grasp every concept. We have used visuals to illustrate every concept we cover.We will provide a complete picture of universal structure, inner workings, and the nature of consciousness.

What We’ll Cover

Densities of Light / Consciousness - We’ll detail each density of light (Level of consciousness) within our universe.

Dimensions of Reality - We will examine a scientific model (superstring theory) through a spiritual lens, and re-interpret it with a broader understanding than modern science can offer.

(Video Course Only) Universal Matrices - Perhaps you’ve heard of alternate realities? Our universe is split into 12 different versions, and we’ll talk about what that means, and why it makes our version of reality so much richer.

(Video Course Only) Grids of Consciousness - Grids of Consciousness create unity where separation appears to exist, keeping us all connected like an interstellar wifi network. Consciously tapping into to grids opens you up to all types of information, understanding, and connection.

Where does this information come from?

The Matrix and Density information is channeled. Rob Gauthier, and the beings he channels Aridif and TReb Bor yit-NE, and the Ra Material are the main sources. The dimension information is sourced (with reinterpretation) in the scientific theory known as Superstring theory. Lessons were edited by Karelia Blum and written by Douglas Butner.

Be free to these ideas freely, as they were shared to me, is a basis for which we can build greater, more meaningful communications as we come together as one human collective.

Answering the Big Questions 🌞 Aquarius Academy Philosophy

Who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning of Life?

It’s up to the individual to request and receive these answers, as the truth is different for each conscious perspective.

Though we can’t tell you the answers for you, we can help you to understand how to ask and listen.

"Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself." — Dōgen Zenji

Vibe Check: Watch the intro here

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Your Guide

Meet your instructor Gudasol, Mystic Rapper + founder of Aquarius Academy

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Videos, PDF + Notion Resource of the 7/11 Model

Read The Model
30 Page PDF + Notion Resource
Watch the Model
One Hour 7 Min, 10+ HD Videos (Download + Stream)
Densities Part 2 [Top Tier]
27:51 Lesson Integrating Concepts
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